Welcome to the about me page!

Heya! My name is Janica/Jacy, I’m an artist based in The Philippines. Despite my physical and mobile limitations, my burning passion for visual storytelling remains unwavering.Currently my professional endeavors include working on commissions, creating illustrations for clients online, background art for individuals and indie studios, as well as small 2D animation gigs either for re-animated projects, or small teams! All while in my spare time, delving into character designs and concept art for personal projects.With this in hand, I hope to one day establish my very own studio as I aim to collaborate with fellow disabled artists such as myself. I wish to give life to all our vibrant ideas, whether it be in the form of simple art, graphic novels, animated productions, or even video games.I aspire to show that despite my handicap, I am capable of excelling in my career and hobbies, and that I still find a sense of fulfillment in life. Most importantly, I also hope to inspire and motivate those who are also in my shoes, to remind them that despite it all, their passions are still always worth pursuing.